Handy five-function stainless steel multi-tool which includes a carabiner for attaching the tool to a belt or a bag. The carabiner laser engraves to a natural etch.

Dimensions: W 53mm x L 80mm

Color: Silver

MOQ: 50

Decoration Areas:

  • Laser Engraving:
    • 13mm x 8mm x 32mm

Packaging: Loose packed

Handy five-function stainless steel multi-tool
Product Code: 200212

  • Handy five-function stainless steel multi-tool. Includes carabiner for attaching to belt or bag. Carabiner laser engraves to natural etch

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Total Price (Exc. GST) : $221.00
Unit Price:$4.42

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info@reprographics.co.nz or phone 09 4862278

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